As previously mentioned, the red team will leverage CTI to aid in adversary emulation and support evidence of an adversary’s behaviors.

To aid in consuming CTI and collecting TTPs, red teams will often use threat intelligence platforms and frameworks such as MITRE ATT&CKTIBER-EU, and OST Map.


These cyber frameworks will collect known TTPs and categorize them based on varying characteristics such as,

  1. Threat Group
  2. Kill Chain Phase
  3. Tactic
  4. Objective/Goal

Once a targeted adversary is selected, the goal is to identify all TTPs categorized with that chosen adversary and map them to a known cyber kill chain. This concept is covered further in the next task.

Leveraging TTPs is used as a planning technique rather than something a team will focus on during engagement execution. Depending on the size of the team, a CTI team or threat intelligence operator may be employed to gather TTPs for the red team. During the execution of an engagement, the red team will use threat intelligence to craft tooling, modify traffic and behavior, and emulate the targeted adversary.

Overall the red team consumes threat intelligence to analyze and emulate the behaviors of adversaries through collected TTPs and IOCs.