The cipher operates as follows:
- Alphabetical characters are processed in groups of 5 (ignoring non-alphabetical characters).
- For each group, a random shift between 1 and 25 is chosen and applied to every letter in that group.
- After the encoded message, an additional line indicates the total number of shift groups, followed by another line listing the random shift values used for each group.
Your quest is to decode the given input and restore the original plaintext.
def decode_cipher(encoded_message, shifts):
decoded = []
alpha_count = 0 # Count only alphabetic characters for grouping
for char in encoded_message:
if char.isalpha():
# Only process alphabetic characters
group_index = alpha_count // 5 # Determine which group the character belongs to
shift = shifts[group_index % len(shifts)] # Get the shift for this group
# Apply reverse shift (subtract) with wrap-around
char_lower = char.lower()
decoded_char = chr(((ord(char_lower) - ord('a') - shift) % 26) + ord('a'))
alpha_count += 1
# Keep non-alphabetic characters (spaces) as they are
return ''.join(decoded)
def parse_input(input_str):
# Remove brackets and split by comma
input_str = input_str.strip()
if input_str.startswith('[') and input_str.endswith(']'):
input_str = input_str[1:-1]
# Convert each element to integer
tokens = [int(x.strip()) for x in input_str.split(',')]
return tokens
def remove_spaces(text):
"""Remove all spaces from the input text"""
return text.replace(" ", "")
# Read all input at once and split by lines
encrypted_message = input()
num_groups = int(input().strip())
shifts = input().strip()
# Parse shifts from the input
shifts = parse_input(shifts)
# Decode and print the result
result = decode_cipher(encrypted_message, shifts)