HTA stands for “HTML Application.” It allows you to create a downloadable file that takes all the information regarding how it is displayed and rendered. HTML Applications, also known as HTAs, which are dynamic HTML pages containing JScript and VBScript. The LOLBINS (Living-of-the-land Binaries) tool mshta is used to execute HTA files. It can be executed by itself or automatically from Internet Explorer.
In the following example, we will use an ActiveXObject in our payload as proof of concept to execute cmd.exe. Consider the following HTML code.
Then serve the payload.hta from a web server, this could be done from the attacking machine as follows,
On the victim machine, visit the malicious link using Microsoft Edge, Note that the is the AttackBox’s IP address.
Once we press Run, the payload.hta gets executed, and then it will invoke the cmd.exe. The following figure shows that we have successfully executed the cmd.exe.
HTA Reverse Connection
We can create a reverse shell payload as follows,
We use the msfvenom from the Metasploit framework to generate a malicious payload to connect back to the attacking machine. We used the following payload to connect the windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp to our IP and listening port.
On the attacking machine, we need to listen to the port 443 using nc. Please note this port needs root privileges to open, or you can use different ones.
Once the victim visits the malicious URL and hits run, we get the connection back.
Malicious HTA via Metasploit
There is another way to generate and serve malicious HTA files using the Metasploit framework. First, run the Metasploit framework using msfconsole -q command. Under the exploit section, there is exploit/windows/misc/hta_server, which requires selecting and setting information such as LHOST, LPORT, SRVHOST, Payload, and finally, executing exploit to run the module.
On the victim machine, once we visit the malicious HTA file that was provided as a URL by Metasploit, we should receive a reverse connection.
In the Metasploit framework, we can inject our current process into another process on the victim machine using migrate. In our case, we need to migrate our current process, which is the MS word document, into another process to make the connection stable even if the MS word document is closed. The easiest way to do this is by using migrate post-module as follow,
In this task, the goal is to generate a reverse shell payload of your choice and send it through the web application. Once the web application runs your payload, you should receive a connect back. Answer the question below and prove your access by finding the flag once you receive a reverse shell.
For reference, you can use the MSFVenom Cheat Sheet on this website.