The operations plan is a flexible document(s) that provides specific details of the engagement and actions occurring. The plan expands upon the current CONOPS and should include a majority of specific engagement information; the ROE can also be placed here depending on the depth and structure of the ROE.

The operations plan should follow a similar writing scheme to the resource plan, using bulleted lists and small sub-sections. As with the other red team documents, there is no standard set of operation plan templates or documents; below is an outline of example subsections within the operations plan.

  • Header
    • Personnel writing
    • Dates
    • Customer
  • Halting/stopping conditions (can be placed in ROE depending on depth)
  • Required/assigned personnel
  • Specific TTPs and attacks planned
  • Communications plan
  • Rules of Engagement (optional)

The most notable addition to this document is the communications plan. The communications plan should summarize how the red cell will communicate with other cells and the client overall. Each team will have its preferred method to communicate with clients. Below is a list of possible options a team will choose to communicate.
