Print all environment variables of a system by using:



Stands for Internal Field Separator in shell scripting. Itโ€™s a special environment variable used in Bash (and similar shells) to define which characters are used to split a string into fields. By default, the characters used as separators are space, tab, and newline.


Defines the list of directories the system searches for executables when a command is entered.


Contains the path to the current userโ€™s home directory.


Represents the current working directory.


Holds the name of the current user.


Displays the path of the command interpreter being used by the user.


Indicates the location of the userโ€™s mail.


Defines the primary command prompt (the symbol you see in the terminal).


Generates a random number between 0 and 32767 each time it is accessed.


Used to customize the color output of theย lsย command.


Returns the length of the variable variable.


Returns the value of variable, or default if variable is not set or is empty.


Replaces all occurrences of pattern in variable with replacement.


Expands to the value of the variable whose name is the value of variable.


Extracts a substring from variable, starting at offset and up to length characters.


Converts the first character of variable to uppercase.


Converts all characters in variable to lowercase.


Capitalizes the first character of each word that matches the specified pattern.


Converts all characters to lowercase for words matching the specified pattern.


Returns default if variable is unset or null; otherwise, it returns variable.


Returns value if variable is set; otherwise, it returns nothing.


Returns variable if it is set and not null; otherwise, it prints error and exits.


Displays the version of the Bash shell you are currently using.


Represents the name of the script or shell itself. This is useful for scripts to know how they were called.


Returns the number of positional parameters passed to the script or function.


Represents all the positional parameters passed to the script or function, as separate words.


Similar to $@, but treats all positional parameters as a single word.


Contains the exit status of the last command executed. A value of 0 indicates success, while any non-zero value indicates an error.


Represents the process ID (PID) of the current shell or script.


Holds the PID of the last background command executed.


An array variable that holds the names of the current function and all functions in the call stack.


Indicates the current line number in the script where it is referenced.


Specifies the file in which command history is saved.


Determines the number of commands to remember in the command history.


A file that is sourced whenever a new non-interactive shell is started.


A command that is executed before the primary prompt is displayed.