- Find all the files sizes in Gb, Mbโฆ ordered by descending:
du -sh *
- Get all the info of your operating system
- Get the content of a .sh:
file file.sh
- Get the PATH:
echo $PATH
- Get the bash functions available:
declare -F
- To count the results:
declare -f | wc -l
- List a function definition:
type quote
- Use a funtion:
quote bob
- If you donโt have Internet, try this:
sudo ifconfig eth0 up
sudo dhclient eth0
Files with the SUID bit set when executed are run with the permissions of the owner of the file. So if there is an binary that is owned by root and it has the SUID bit set we could theoretically use this binary to elevate our permissions.
To find SUID binaries, we can run the following command:
find / -user root -perm /4000 2>/dev/null
find / -type f -user root -perm -u=s 2>/dev/null
- How to find any file:
find / type f -iname filename.txt 2> /dev/null
- Get the size of a file:
du -sh file.txt
- BASH math โ https://phoenixnap.com/kb/bash-math
ERROR: Unable to negotiate with X.X.X.X port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss
ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss username@x.x.x.x
- To encrypt an external or internal hard drive or USB:
sudo apt-get install cryptsetup
sudo apt-get install gnome-disk-utility
- Compare the size of two remote files using ssh:
ls -l file.txt | awk '{ print $x }' #x is the option you want
- How to remove a package on linux:
sudo apt-get remove package
- How to upload files remotely via sftp:
sshpass -p passwd sftp -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss username@host
put -r directory_from directory_to
- Check your open ports:
netstat -putona
netstat -nlptn
- Use the tool tac for printing files when cat, vi, vimโฆ are blocked or not permitted:
tac /home/file.txt
- Get everything of a website to obtain flags:
wget -r -np -k http://IP_HOST
grep -nri "THM"
- Locate any file with
sudo find / -type f -name root.txt 2>/dev/null
# or
sudo find / -type f -name root.txt 2>/dev/null
sudo find /home -type f -name root.txt 2>/dev/null
- Unzip a file on Linux using Python:
python3 -m zipfile -e CVE-2021-3156-main.zip .
- Transfer a file from remote host to yours using scp:
#by private key
#by port
- If the linux machine doesnโt have
, we can try:- Using Netcat ๐ผ
- Or the following:
curl "url_to_the_file" -o output.file
- Add a host to the known hosts:
sudo echo " subdomain.adana.thm" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
- Find open ports internally:
ss -tulwn
- Download a file from attackerโs machine using
scp USER@MACHINE-IP:/gitea/gitea/gitea.db /tmp/gitea.db
- If you find a
try to enter to it by:
sqlite3 file.db
# The you can do
select * from user;
select lower_name, is_admin from user;
# Update the admin of a new user
UPDATE user SET is_admin=1 WHERE lower_name="<username>";
.quit #exit the database
- Upload the modified database:
scp /tmp/gitea.db USER@MACHINE-IP:/gitea/gitea/gitea.db
- Analyze services and running processes:
systemctl list-units --type=service --state=running
- Get to know which kind of file it is:
file /path/to/file
- Find
find / -type f -name user.txt 2>/dev/null
- Mount a remote directory to our machine:
mkdir /mnt/NAME
mount HOST:/DIR /mnt/NAME
ls -la /mnt/NAME # to check
- Check if your cpu is 32 or 64 bits:
$ grep -qP '^flags\s*:.*\blm\b' /proc/cpuinfo && echo 64-bit || echo 32-bit